Different Type of Metal Used For Pattern And Their Advantages And Disadvantages -->

Different Type of Metal Used For Pattern And Their Advantages And Disadvantages


Read: Types of Pattern Material - Application, Adavanatages And Limitation

Due to durability and smooth surface finish, the metal patterns are more popular in the casting process. There various type of metal used for the pattern. Even though hard metal such as cast iron brass, etc can be used to pattern making, the white metal and aluminium are the most commonly used. This is because they are light, corrosion resistant and can easily work on them. Moreover, the white metal have very small shrinkage, so they can be made without giving double shrinkage allowance.
The following table give the comparative characteristics

Advantages and disadvantages of different metallic pattern materials

Pattern metal
Cast iron
High strength
Low cost
High weight or density
Poor resistant corrosion
Smooth surface finish
High strength

They are prone to corrosion
High density
Good surface finish
Corrosion and wear resistant
Strong ad tough
High machinability.

High density as compared to weight metals
Good surface finish
Corrosion resistant
High strength
High density
 High cost
Aluminium alloys
They are soft, low density
Corrosion resistant
 Good surface finish
Easy to shape

Low Strength
Cost is high
Not suitable for rough usage.  Easily damaged by sharp edge.
Good care needed to storing and transportation.
Lead alloys
Good machinability
Low melting point.
High cost
Low strength event though it have high density

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