Advantages And Disadvantages Of Welding Joints
Welding is a permanent joining method by fusion, with or without the use of filler metal. It is an important fabrication process. Welding divided into two groups.
Fusion welding - In fusion welding, the metal being joined is melted and fuses together by subsequent solidification of molten metal. If necessary, a molten filler metal is also added.
E.g., Gas welding, arc welding, thermite welding.
Pressure welding- The metals being joined never melted, the union of metal obtained by application of pressure at welding temperature.
E.g., Resistance welding, forge welding.
Advantage of welding
- Welded joint has high strength, sometimes more than the parent metal.
- Different material can be welded.
- Welding can be performed anyplace, no need enough clearance.
- They give smooth appearance and simplicity in design.
- They can be done in any shape and any direction.
- It can be automated.
- Provide a complete rigid joint.
- Addition and modification of existing structures are easy.
Disadvantage of welding
- Members may become distorted due to uneven heating and cooling during welding.
- They are permanent joint, to dismantle we have to break the weld.
- High initial investment
TIG welding advantages and disadvantages
Difference between soldering and brazing
Welding terms and definitions